The death of Trayvon Martin in Florida on February 26, was a tragic and since controversial topic. Trayvon was shot by self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman. Zimmerman says that he felt threatened by the 17 year-old so in self-defense he shot him. Zimmerman had earlier called the police and reported Martin as a suspicious character. The police gave him specific orders not to follow him. Zimmerman weighed 250 pounds, and says that he felt threatened by the 140 pound teenager. How can somebody feel threatened by somebody who is half there size and is armed with only Skittles and a can of iced tea. Also, why did he follow the "suspicious character" when he was given direct orders by the police not to. He should be arrested for interfering with the law if not for murdering a teenager.
Zimmerman made about 40 calls to the police within the past year. In each police call he seemed to have a negative attitude towards African Americans. It sounds like Zimmerman is the boy who cried wolf. Trayvon had not past criminal record and no motivation to attack or harm Zimmerman, and there is no evidence to tell why he would attack Zimmerman. On the other hand, Zimmerman had a past criminal record, has a negative attitude towards African Americans and was in direct violation of police orders.
What gives Zimmerman the right to follow and approach Trayvon Martin when he was given direct orders by the police not to follow him. I would like to know in what way did Trayvon threaten Zimmerman when he is half Zimmerman's size and Zimmerman was the one carrying the weapon. Trayvon didn't even know Zimmerman, yet according to Zimmerman Trayvon threatened him. Its funny how with this odd series of events that Zimmerman was not even given a drug test at the scene of the crime. Neighbors of the community say that Zimmerman had a negative attitude towards African Americans. In my opinion, there is no doubt that Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin.
The 17 year-old African American Trayvon Martin was shot and killed on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida. The 28 year-old white man, George Zimmerman, was the shooter. Zimmerman says that he shot Martin in self-defense. Zimmerman was a self-appointed neighborhood watch captain for the Sanford gated community. Zimmerman remains free, on the basis that the FBI cannot prove his story false. Martin was heading back from the convenient store to the home of a friend when he was confronted by George Zimmerman. Zimmerman, prior to confronting the teen, called the police and reported Martin as a suspicious character. How could the 17 year-old high school student pose a threat to the neighborhood watch captain when he was armed with only a pack of Skittles and a can of iced tea. Also Zimmerman weighs about 250 pounds while Martin only weighed 140 pounds. How can somebody who feel threatened by somebody who is half their size and is armed with Skittles and iced tea.
The Facts:
- Zimmerman called the police to report Martin's "suspicious" behavior. Zimmerman was in his car when he saw Martin walking on the street.
- George Zimmerman pursued Martin against the explicit instructions of the police dispatcher.
- Prior to the release of the 911 tapes, Zimmerman's father released a statement claiming "at no time did George follow or confront Mr. Martin".
- Zimmerman was carrying a 9 millimeter handgun. Martin was carrying a bag of Skittles and a can of iced tea.
- Martin weighed 140 pounds. Zimmerman weighed 250 pounds.
- Trayvon Martin had no previous criminal record.
- Zimmerman called the police 46 times since January 1, 2011.
- The police did not test Zimmerman for drugs or alcohol.
- Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before the shots were fired.
- Neighbors say that Zimmerman was "fixated on crime and focused on young, black males".
- Zimmerman was charged in July of 2005 for resisting arrest with violence and battery on an officer. The charges against Zimmerman have since been dropped.
I don't understand how Zimmerman was not investigated at the scene or why he was not tested for drugs or alcohol. In my opinion the entire situation was the plot of shooter, George Zimmerman. Zimmerman has more history to be prosecuted or investigated for his behavior than Martin who has no criminal record. Trayvon Martin was simply picking up some Skittles for his brother and a can of iced tea for himself when he was shot. Trayvon Martin had no motivation to threaten or harm Zimmerman and has no criminal record to imply a history of bad behavior. It is extremely scary to think that people like Zimmerman can kill an innocent teen and get away with it.
Zimmerman's act of self-defense is protected under the Florida "Stand Your Ground" law, which states that if you are in a location which you are legally able to be you can use deadly force to defend yourself when you find it necessary. This is a good law to have if people did not abuse it. Having the right to defend yourself when the situation warrants it is necessary. However, people should not be able to use deadly force for self defense. This is an easy law to abuse. Zimmerman had no right to kill the 17 year-old even if he was defending himself. The situation is highly suspicious on the grounds that Martin had no motivation to harm Zimmerman, Martin was armed with only Skittles and a can of iced tea, and that Martin is half the size of a man who "threatened" by him.
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What does the term "retarded" mean to you. To some people it is just a term that they use to insult their friend who is acting a little weird or different as a joke. To others it is viewed as a hurtful term that is offensive to people with intellectual disabilities. If you were a child with intellectual disabilities, how would you feel is people called you a retard? Chances are you would not like being called that. Many people do not realize it, but when you call someone a retard just joking around, that person can be truly offended by the term.
People with intellectual disabilities are no different from rest of us. We are all just people. Nobody is perfect and we all have our own problems. Many people do not treat those with intellectual disabilities with the respect that they deserve. Those with intellectual disabilities should not be discriminated just because they are a little different.